This topic explores how Israel has used Jewish settlement as a pivotal strategy to control, disrupt, and radically transform the Jerusalem geopolitical landscape. Launched directly after Israeli's occupation of the city in 1967, the process of settlement building is fundamentally predicated on the dispossession of Palestinians and the destruction of their collective fabric and communal capacity—cities, villages, neighborhoods, and individual homes.

The Story in Numbers


Number of state-authorized settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem [1]


Number of settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem [2]


Number of state-authorized settlements within the Israeli boundaries of East Jerusalem [3]


The Israeli settler population across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as of 2022 [4] 


A conservative estimate of the Israeli settler population in the larger Jerusalem region (more than 50 percent of the total Israeli settler population in the West Bank) [5]


The Israeli settler population within the Israeli-imposed Jerusalem municipal boundaries (approximately a third of the total settler population in the West Bank) [6]


Percentage of Palestinian-owned lands of the area of occupied East Jerusalem (within the municipal boundaries) that Israel has expropriated for Jewish settlements [7]


Percentage of the land of the area of occupied East Jerusalem (within the municipal boundaries) that Israel has allotted to Palestinian use, despite their being nearly 40 percent of the population [8]


[1] This number is based on a cross-check calculation using the following sources: Mohammed Haddad, “Mapping Israeli Occupation,” Al Jazeera, May 18, 2021; Charlie Hoyle, “Interactive Timeline: The History of Israeli Settlements since 1967,” The New Arab, November 20, 2019; “Jerusalem,” Peace Now; “Settlements,” B’Tselem, January 16, 2019.

[2] This number is based on a cross-check calculation using the following sources: Haddad, "Mapping Israeli Occupation"; Hoyle, “Interactive Timeline”; “Jerusalem”; “Settlements.”

[3] See The Three Israeli Settlement Rings in and around East Jerusalem: Supplanting Palestinian Jerusalem, Table 1.

[4] Haddad, “Mapping Israeli Occupation.”

[5] Based on numbers from Haddad, “Mapping Israeli Occupation”; Hoyle, “Interactive Timeline.”

[6] Haddad, “Mapping Israeli Occupation.”

[7] “Israeli Settlements and International Law,” Amnesty International, 2019.

[8] “Israeli Settlements and International Law.”


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