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On a Winter’s Night

Jerusalemite siblings Teddy and Nadia Theodorie in their library in their Bethlehem home

Jerusalemite siblings Teddy and Nadia Theodorie in their library in their Bethlehem home


Dream Homes Property Consultants

On a Winter’s Night is a short video featuring Jerusalemite siblings Teddy and Nadia Theodorie. In 1948, as Zionist forces attacked Palestinian civilian areas, and fighting between Arab and Jewish forces intensified, their family was advised to leave their cherished home in Talbiyya, Jerusalem, for a mere two weeks, when it was expected hostilities would be over. Sixty years later, they are still in Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank, not far from the beautiful Arab-style house their great-grandfather built in 1923 on land he owned but was banned from ever returning to by Israel.

Through family photographs, the viewer sees that displacements affect real people who can never be reduced to mere numbers.

The video is a production of Dream Homes Property Consultants.