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Home Front: Portraits from Sheikh Jarrah—Amal Qassem

Screenshot from Home Front: Portraits from Sheikh Jarrah—Amal Qassem

Just Vision film. Directed by Rebekah Wingert-Jabi.


Jerusalem Story

Amal Qassem, director of the Women’s Forum in Sheikh Jarrah, narrates her experience of receiving an eviction notice from the settlers in 2011 informing her of their intention to evict her from the Sheikh Jarrah home where she was born in 1960 and lived at the time of filming (2012). Her parents, refugees from Jaffa, had moved in to the house in 1956.

A few years after the film was released, Amal Qassem died of cancer. Her daughter remains in the house and continues to wait for the family’s expulsion (see Haunted by Waiting for Expulsion in Sheikh Jarrah).

This film is part of the series Home Front: Portraits from Sheikh Jarrah, produced by Just Vision in 2012. The series of four eight-minute documentaries chronicles the human impact of forcible expulsions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem and nonviolent efforts to prevent it. 

View the other short films in the series here.