Youth Development Department — Orient House

دائرة تنمية الشباب — بيت الشرق


To support and improve the capacities of local youth institutions in Jerusalem and clubs by providing them with the resources and contacts necessary to establish youth exchange and enrichment programs

Organization Type

Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)

Areas of Work


Location of Work

Outside the wall but inside the Israeli municipal boundaries of Jerusalem,


The Youth Development Department is an Orient House initiative designed to provide 15- to 25-year-old youth with local and international opportunities. This is achieved through cooperation and networking among and between youth institutions in Jerusalem; establishing youth exchanges, work camps, and training; empowering youth to play a role in building a democratic civil society; and reinforcing effective principles and strategies of collective work.

Youth Development Department, The Orient House, P.O. Box 20479, Jerusalem, Palestine
View website

Mazen Jabari, Director

Tel: +972.2.627.3330 Tel: +972.2.627.3573 Fax: +972.2.627.4020 Mobile: +972.5.2292.021