Sabreen Association for Artistic Development

مؤسسة صابرين للتطوير الفني


To promote music and combine it with different artistic expressions

Organization Type

Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)

Areas of Work

Culture, Arts, and Music,

Location of Work

Inside the wall and inside the Israeli municipal boundaries of Jerusalem,


Founded in 1987, Sabreen Association for Artistic Development, a nonprofit community-based organization, promotes music and combines it with different artistic expressions, working with local artists to help them express their talents. The association strives to reach a wider range of society, including the most underprivileged, to enhance the understanding of music and its role in the development of society’s culture. As its work differs from that of other organizations, Sabreen has been challenged in its effort to maintain a market in which to promote and sustain a successful platform.

A recent association project that combined music and art, “Child’s Testimony,” was launched during the coronavirus lockdown to provide therapeutic relief and a vehicle for artistic expression. Sabreen had also done an earlier edition of this project in December 2000, to help children cope with the Second Intifada (which began in September 2000) that included 40 workshops in 10 schools.

Sabreen had a full-service audio studio in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem with state-of-the-art recording facilities for 22 years, but was forced to dismantle it in August 2022.

Jabal Al-Zaytoun Street Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem
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Said Murad, Director
