The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)

الجمعية الفلسطينية الأكاديمية للشؤون الدولية


PASSIA seeks to present the Palestinian question in its national, Arab, and international contexts through academic research, dialogue, education, and publication. To facilitate understanding of Palestinian positions, it endeavors to analyze current policy issues, provide a constructive forum for open discussion, conduct high-quality, independent research, and publish studies and information papers.

In addition, PASSIA aims to empower young Palestinians through training programs and seminars that build capacity, skills, and expertise.

Organization Type

Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)

Areas of Work

Academia and Research,

Location of Work

Inside the wall and inside the Israeli municipal boundaries of Jerusalem,


PASSIA was founded in March 1987 by Palestinian academics and intellectuals in Jerusalem as an independent think tank. PASSIA programs include research studies (particularly on the question of Jerusalem), roundtable discussions, interfaith dialogue, training and education in international affairs, civil society empowerment, and occasional special projects.

PASSIA works with numerous regional and international institutions.

3 Hind al-Husseini Street Alley 2, Wadi al-Joz, P.O. Box 19545,Jerusalem/al-Quds
View website

Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Chairman

Tel: +972.2.626.4426 Tel: +972.2.628.6566 Fax: +972.2.628.2819