
Blog Post Burj al-Luqluq Social Center Society: A Hidden Gem within the Old City

Within the Old City walls, Burj al-Luqluq provides an open space for sports, culture, and youth empowerment.

Photo Soccer by the Wall

Palestinian men play a game of soccer next to the Separation Wall in Abu Dis.

Blog Post One East Jerusalem Neighborhood Boasts Two Muay Thai Champions

Meet the Palestinian champions of the martial art and combat sport of Muay Thai in East Jerusalem.

Photo Essay The YMCA: A Cherished Social Hub during the Mandate Years

The Jerusalem YMCA was the social, athletic, and cultural hub for Jerusalemites during the British Mandate years.

Blog Post Israeli Police Violently Disperse Palestinians Celebrating Morocco’s Win over Portugal at Bab al-Amud

Exuberant celebration is added on the list of forbidden acts for Palestinian Jerusalemites under Israeli occupation.

Blog Post al-Bustan Hosts Summer Scout Camp for Silwan Youth

A summer camp offers Silwan scouts an exciting and character-building experience.