Land Settlement and Registration

Interview Land Registration in Jerusalem Is a “Grand Land Theft” from Palestinians—Ir Amim’s Amy Cohen

Ir Amim and Bimkom’s June 2023 report, “The Grand Land Theft,” reveals Israel’s intentions behind undertaking the settlement of land title in East Jerusalem.

Feature Story The Settlement of Land Title (SOLT): “The Most Acute Threat Facing Palestinian Residents of Jerusalem Today”

Israel is ramping up the settlement of land title (SOLT) in East Jerusalem, dispossessing Palestinians and Judaizing the city.

Interview An Expert Unravels the Complexities of Land Ownership in East Jerusalem

Israel manipulates the complex reality of land settlement and registration in Jerusalem, and Palestinians must understand and confront it.

Backgrounder Land Settlement and Registration in East Jerusalem

Israel froze modern LSR in East Jerusalem in 1967. In 2018, it reversed this policy in an open attempt to strengthen its sovereignty over the contested area.