Khalil Assali


Journalist, writer, and editor-in-chief of Akhbar elBalad Network, Khalil Assali was the chairman of the Jerusalem Journalists’ Club, director of the Media Unit in the President’s Office at al-Quds University, and writer for several Jerusalem newspapers and magazines that disappeared concurrently with Jerusalem’s weakening role in the Palestinian and Arab media landscape. He wrote and published several books, including Lover of Pen and Trouble Tale, Nassereddin NashashibiTurkish ChancellorThe First Letters, and—in press—A Cup of Coffee and a City Story.

Content by this author

Feature Story Why Is the Palestinian Population of Jerusalem’s Old City Shrinking?

Palestinians are gradually leaving the Old City in response to Israel’s multilayered pressures.

Blog Post Why Are the Trees Surrounding al-Aqsa Mosque Dying?

Trees in the Haram al-Sharif compound are dying. What’s killing them?

Blog Post The Splendor of Eid al-Fitr in Jerusalem, Despite the Sadness

A deep sadness cloaked the city, but the Eid al-Fitr rites were observed, including visiting the dead and saying prayers for their souls.

Blog Post Spiritual Jerusalem Unites Us

Jerusalemites observed Easter and Eid al-Fitr during the same week, but a deep sadness hung over the city.

Blog Post al-Barazeq al-Maqdisi, a Ramadan Treat

Nowhere can you find barazeq as scrumptious as you find it in Jerusalem during Ramadan.

Blog Post Praying in al-Aqsa Mosque as an Act of Patriotism

This year, Ramadan prayer is being seen through a different lens.

Blog Post “I Cried When I Entered al-Aqsa”: A Bethlehem-Area Farmer Enters Jerusalem for the First Time in over a Year

The second Friday of Ramadan passes peacefully; worshippers rejoice at finally being allowed to enter their holy site.

Blog Post As It Has for Centuries, Takiyya Khaski Sultan Ensures No Family Goes Hungry during Ramadan

A public soup kitchen in the Old City helps any and all who arrive at its doors.