Daoud Kuttab


Daoud Kuttab is an award-winning Palestinian journalist and media activist. He is a former Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University and is currently director-general of Community Media Network, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing independent media in the Arab region, as well as a columnist for Palestine Pulse at Al-Monitor, Born in Jerusalem, he began his journalism career working in the Palestinian print media (al-Fajr, al-Quds, and a-Sennara) as well as in the audiovisual field (documentary producer). He founded and presided over the Jerusalem Film Institute in the 1990s. In 1995, he helped set up the Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN), a censorship-free Arab website. He established and has headed from 1996 to 2007 the Institute of Modern Media at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. He is also a regular columnist for the Jordan Times, the Jerusalem Post, and the Daily Star in Lebanon.

Content by this author

Feature Story Palestinian Jerusalemites Organized for 15 Years to Build a New Neighborhood on Their Own Land—Israeli Authorities Refused

Palestinian landowners were crushed when Israeli officials refused to authorize a neighborhood on their own land—the first in East Jerusalem since 1967.

Blog Post Anti-Christian Attacks in Jerusalem on the Rise in Recent Months

Anti-Christian vigilantism by extremist Jews has spiked since the new Israeli government assumed power.

Blog Post Perspective: Israel’s War on Independent Palestinian Media Goes Back Decades

Veteran journalist Daoud Kuttab retraces earlier chapters in Israel’s unwavering campaign against an independent Palestinian media.

Blog Post Israel to Push Ahead with Home Demolitions in Jerusalem during Ramadan

Tensions reach the boiling point in Jerusalem as Ben-Gvir announces home demolitions to continue during Ramadan.

Blog Post Jerusalem: The “Second Front” is Smoldering

Under the new Israeli government’s heavy hand, events in Jerusalem are rapidly spiraling toward conflagration.

Blog Post Arab League Hosts High-Level Jerusalem Support Conference in Cairo

The Arab League and the Palestinian National Authority held a special conference to affirm and rally support for Jerusalem, a city of central importance to Arabs and Muslims worldwide.

Blog Post In the Latest Chapter of the Battle over Palestinian Education in Jerusalem, Authorities Search Children’s Book Bags

How parents are pushing back against the state’s efforts to intimidate Palestinian schools into altering their textbooks and curricula

Blog Post After Four Days of Lockdown, a Jerusalem Refugee Camp Calls for Civil Disobedience

Palestinian East Jerusalem responds to a call for civil disobedience from Shu‘fat refugee camp by shutting down completely.